
Details of a Package Holiday reservation object.

Type : PkgReservation

Details of a Package Holiday reservation object.
(Defined in file OTA_PkgBookRS.xsd , or a file it imports)

ContactDetailInformation on the person who is the contact for the booking.Name of an individual and appropriate contact information. May be contact information for the customer or someone affiliated with the customer.
InvoiceDetailThe cost breakdown for a package.A list of all the items making up a costed booking
OwnInsuranceChoicesA collection of insurance policy details supplied by the customers.
PackageDetails of a booked package.Defines a complete package holiday response.
PassengerListItemsDetails of all passengers in a reservation or reservation segment.
POSPoint of sale object.Point of Sale (POS) identifies the party or connection channel making the request.
TicketingInfoInfo on ticketing fulfilment,
TPA_ExtensionsA placeholder in the schema to allow for additional elements and attributes to be included per Trading Partner Agreement (TPA).Allows extensions to be added to the OpenTravel specification per trading partner agreement.
TransactionsDetails of each transaction posted against a reservation.
UniqueIDThe reference for the reservation.An identifier used to uniquely reference an object in a system (e.g. an airline reservation reference, customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote).
