
Type : InvBlock

This is for creating a single block at a single hotel.
(Defined in file OTA_HotelInvBlockNotifRQ.xsd , or a file it imports)

BlockDescriptionsCollection of free form information about the inventory block.
ContactsA collection of contacts.
DestinationSystemCodesA collection of destination system codes. These are systems for which this inventory block is targeted.A collection of DestinationSystemCode.
GuaranteeThe guarantee information to hold a reservationThe guarantee information to hold a reservation
HotelRefThis is used to identify the hotel to which the block applies.
InvBlockDatesThis is used to indicate the date or date range applicable to this inventory block.
MarketCodeThis is user specific information used for tracking and market segmentation reporting.
MethodInfoThis is used to indicate the reservation and billing methods for a single inventory block.
RoomTypesThis allows for multiple room types to be defined within an inventory block.
TaxInformationTax information for the entire group.

Attribute Group : InvBlockGroup
BookingStatusProvides information as to whether the rooms are available for booking.
InvBlockCodeThis is the group id typically used to make a booking in a central reservation system.
InvBlockCompanyIDThis is used to identify the company or corporation associated with the inventory block, it is not a direct bill number.
InvBlockGroupingCodeThis code identifies the inventory group that contains multiple blocks. This allows for nested blocks.
InvBlockLongNameThis is the full name of the Inventory Block.
InvBlockNameThis is the short name of the Inventory Block.
InvBlockStatusCodeThis defines the status of the block. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Inventory Block Status (IBS).
InvBlockTypeCodeDescribes the type of inventory the block is being created for. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Inventory Block Type (IBT).
OpportunityIDThis is the identifier (i.e. opportunity) that refers back to the same block in the requesting system (e.g. a sales system or a wholesaler).
PMS_InvBlockIDThis is used as a cross reference to the property management system (e.g. PMS Group Master Number).
QuoteIDThis identifies a specific quote for an inventory block.
RestrictedBookingCodeListThis is who is allowed to book against the block. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT). If this attribute is not used, there are no restrictions to the booking access.List of OpenTravel Codes.
RestrictedViewingCodeListThis is who is allowed to view the block. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT). If this attribute is not used, there are no restrictions to the viewing access.List of OpenTravel Codes.
TransactionActionUsed to specify the action to be taken on the block (e.g., create, book, modify, cancel).To specify the type of action requested when more than one function could be handled by the message.
TransactionDetailThis provides the specific action to be taken on the block according to the TransactionAction attribute.
