
Type : HotelComponent

A hotel room stay that is part of the dynamic package.
(Defined in file OTA_DynamicPkgCommonTypes.xsd , or a file it imports)

BillingInstructionCodeBilling codes that apply to a set of instructions for a set of transactions that are routed to a designated folio.
POSIdentifies who made the original reservation.Point of Sale (POS) identifies the party or connection channel making the request.
Queue Information to specify the queue on which the reservation should be placed.
ResGlobalInfoResGlobalInfo is a container for various information that affects the Reservation as a whole. These include global comments, counts, reservation IDs, loyalty programs, and payment methods.
ResGuestsCollection of guests associated with the reservation.A collection of ResGuest objects, identifying the guests associated with this reservation. Which guests are in which room is determined by each RoomStays ResGuestRPHs collection.
RoomStaysCollection of room stays.A collection of RoomStay objects. Room stays associated with this reservation.
ServicesCollection of services.A collection of Service objects. This is the collection of all services associated with any part of this reservation (the reservation in its entirety, one or more guests, or one or more room stays). Which services are attributable to which part is determined by each object's ServiceRPHs collection.
TPA_ExtensionsA placeholder in the schema to allow for additional elements and attributes to be included per Trading Partner Agreement (TPA).Allows extensions to be added to the OpenTravel specification per trading partner agreement.
UniqueIDUsed to provide PMS and/or CRS identifiers.An identifier used to uniquely reference an object in a system (e.g. an airline reservation reference, customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote).
WrittenConfInstTo indicate a confirmation is to be sent for this reservation.Method by which confirmations should be delivered.

ForcedSellIndicatorWhen true, indicates a sell was forced even if there are restrictions or no availability.
OriginalDeliveryMethodCodeThe method by which the original reservation was delivered. Refer to OpenTravel Code list Distribution Type (DTB).
PassiveIndicatorWhen true, indicates that this item is included for information only and no action should be taken.
RateOverrideIndicatorWhen true, indicates a rate has been overridden.
ResStatusIndicates the status of the reservation. A union between TransactionActionType and PMS_ResStatusType. Used in messages that communicate between reservation systems as well as between a reservation and property management system. In addition to the TransactionActionType and PMS_ResStatusType, the UpperCaseAlphaLength1to2 may be used for company specific codes.
RoomNumberLockedIndicatorWhen true, indicates a room number cannot be changed. When false, indicates a room number may be changed.
RoomStayReservationBoolean True if this reservation is reserving rooms. False if it is only reserving services.
ServiceOverrideIndicatorWhen true, indicates a service has been overridden.
WalkInIndicatorWhen true, indicates the reservation is for a guest that walks-in without a reservation. When false, the reservation is not a walk-in.
Attribute Group : DateTimeStampGroup
CreateDateTimeTime stamp of the creation.
CreatorIDID of creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee resposible for the creation.
LastModifierIDIdentifies the last software system or person to modify a record.
LastModifyDateTimeTime stamp of last modification.
PurgeDateDate an item will be purged from a database (e.g., from a live database to an archive).
Attribute Group : DynamicPkgComponentGroup
DynamicPkgActionThe action being requested on the component or package.To specify the type of action requested when more than one function could be handled by the message.
DynamicPkgStatusThe status of the component or package.To specify a status to the transaction, usually in the response message, of the action specifed in the request message.
HoldDurationThe length of time starting at the create time for which the component will be held.
QuoteIDA reference number used to match a query, with rates, to a given time. This is useful for matching prices within a given quote period.
